Monday, October 5, 2009

Don't Cry Over Spilt Paint!

Okay, it's been a little while, and though I could have used this several times to get things off my chest, I just couldn't.
The 2 year old is getting into everything lately! He has been attempting to help Mommy redecorate the house - 1st by running down the hall and back with a crayon on the wall, 2nd by dumping a quart of dark brown paint on the couch, the area rugs, a couple of toys and himself. I did have just enough to finish the job...Sigh!
So, after going through more than a week of the flu between me, and the 5 year old, I am finally feeling like getting some more stuff done. The husband is taking off 3 1/2 days this week to help finish the outside. Should be interesting. Hope we don't kill each other! The 5 year old is on fall break, so this should be fun - woohoo...